Randomly cast 1 of 3 spells, with a chance of a Jackpot!
Flamethrower: Deal
212/318/3200Â (
) true damage to target every second until death. Enemies in a cone around them take 50% less as physical damage.
Extendo-Punch: Deal
636/954/9600Â (
) physical damage to target and knock them away. Then, dash to them and deal
276/413/4160Â (
) physical damage in a 1 hex radius around them.
Chomp: Deal
678/1018/10240Â (
) physical damage to target. If they are left with less than
15/15/100% Health, execute them and cast again on the lowest Health target within 2/2/10 hexes, dealing
80%Â damage.
Flamethrower Damage:
318 = 240%

+ 30%

Extendo-Punch Damage: 954 = 300% of 318
Dash Damage: 413 = 130% of 318
Chomp Damage: 1018 = 320% of 318